
Health and Wellness Journey; A Balanced Living Bliss

Definition of Health and Wellness

Health and wellness

Health and wellness is a prominent topic related to physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. According to WHO, Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. 

Wellness is the set of practices which helps people to follow good habits in order to lead a healthy and successful life.

Dimensions of Health

Holistic health diagram
Yoga pose

There are five dimensions of health as a change in any dimension affects the others. The five dimensions of Health are “physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual”. These five dimensions are the pillars of Health.

Role of mental health in human lives

Green Awareness Ribbon
a woman with birds

Mental health is an important component of overall health and well being. Each year October 10th is observed as world Mental Health day. Good mental health allows us to cope with the stresses of life and work productively. Mental health plays a crucial role in overall human health and well-being in several ways such as Emotional Well-being, Physical Health, Behavioral Choices, Social Relationships etc. It affects not only our emotions well-being but also our physical health.

According to the senses the rate of committing suicide because of poor mental health is increasing rapidly. In this era depression, childhood trauma, anxiety lead people to harm their lives. stammering, social anxiety, OCD,ADHD are all the signs of poor mental health.

Things help to keep a good mental Health

  • Make social connections
  • Stay active
  • Talk to someone
  • Appeal to your senses
  • Take up a relaxation practice
  • Eat a brain-healthy diet to support strong mental health
  • Have a good sleep
  • Get engaged in works or activities 
  • Get help if you needed

How to Get Mental Support

  • To get mental support, reach out to trusted friends, family, or mental health professionals.
  • Talk to someone you feel comfortable with about your feelings and concerns.
  • Join a support group or online community to connect with others who share similar experiences.
  • Don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and support.

Taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Mental health help is a journey, and seeking support is the first step towards a happier and healthier you. Since Mental health affects both health and wellness of a person it’s really important to take care of it.

Nourish and Thrive; A Guide to Health and Wellness

Food is the major component which plays a crucial role in keeping a healthy life. It is the foundation of good health, providing essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for energy, growth, and repair. A balanced diet supports immune function, healthy weight, brain function, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. It also boosts mood, supports healthy digestion, promotes healthy skin and hair, and enhances athletic performance. Eating a variety of whole foods is crucial for overall well-being and optimal health.

Vitamins and Minerals Containing Foods

Vitamin SourcesMinerals
B-1: ham, soymilk, watermelon, acorn squashCalcium: yogurt, cheese, milk, salmon, leafy green vegetables
B-2: milk, yogurt, cheese, whole and enriched grains and cereals.Chloride: salt
B-3: meat, poultry, fish, fortified and whole grains, mushrooms, potatoesB-5: chicken, whole grains, broccoli, avocados, mushroomsMagnesium: Spinach, broccoli, legumes, seeds, whole-wheat bread
Sodium: salt, soy sauce, vegetables
B-6: meat, fish, poultry, legumes, tofu and other soy products, bananasChromium: meat, poultry, fish, nuts, cheese
B-7: Whole grains, eggs, soybeans, fishPotassium: meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes
B-9: Fortified grains and cereals, asparagus, spinach, broccoli, legumes (black-eyed peas and chickpeas), orange juice
B-12: Meat, poultry, fish, milk, cheese, fortified soy milk and cereals
Vitamin C: Citrus fruit, potatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts
Vitamin A: beef, liver, eggs, shrimp, fish, fortified milk, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, spinach, mangoes
Vitamin D: Fortified milk and cereals, fatty fish
Vitamin E: vegetables oils, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts
Vitamin K: Cabbage, eggs, milk, spinach, broccoli, kale


Yoga practice

Have Breakfast

healthy food

Breakfast is an important meal of the day. It jump-starts your metabolism and stops you from overeating later. studies show that adults who have a healthy breakfast do better at work, and kids who eat a morning meal score higher on tests. If a big plateful first thing isn’t for you, keep it light with a granola bar or a piece of fruit. Good health and wellness can be achieved only by following a good routine.

Drink Plenty of Water

To be stayed hydrated is the backbone of a person’s Health and wellness. Staying hydrated is at the top of the list, but it may also help you lose weight. Another reason to go for H2Ois  Sugary drinks are linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes. If you aren’t a fan of plain water, add flavor with slices of orange, lemon, lime, watermelon, or cucumber.

Take an Exercise Break


Get up and move. Do some activities to keep your mind and body awake. Just 30 minutes of walking, jogging, stretches etc .It’s great for your body and mind. It also improves the health and wellness of the body.

Learn Something New

keeping journal

New skills and habits help keep your brain healthy and active. The mental work it takes can slow the signs of aging and may even delay the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. Keeping journals ,Attending creative workshops often will help your mind to stay active

Stay Away From Drugs

say no to drugs

Drugs are one of the major reasons for ruining our health and wellness. Drug use can affect short and long term health, including physical and mental health. Also Chronic drug use can have long-lasting effects on overall health, contributing to chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and respiratory disorders, and certain cancers.

in fact Drugs can alter mood, leading to feelings of euphoria or relaxation, but also anxiety, depression, and psychosis. Chronic drug use can lead to addiction, cognitive impairment, and worsen mental health conditions. Seeking professional help is crucial to address drug use and mental health concerns, and to receive appropriate support and treatment.

Have a Good Sleep

girl sleeping

Having a good sleep is one of the best ways to keep our health and wellness. Sleep is essential for physical and mental restoration, memory consolidation, and hormone regulation. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to improve overall health and cognitive function. Poor sleep can lead to chronic diseases, mood disturbances, and impaired daily functioning.

Building Healthy minds; The Role of Yoga in Health and Wellness

Yoga is essential in every daily life as it provides numerous benefits, including flexibility, stress relief, strength, mental clarity, and emotional balance. Regular yoga practice can improve overall physical and mental health and wellness, boost mood, and enhance self-awareness. By incorporating yoga into your daily routine, you can experience increased energy, productivity, and a greater sense of calm and fulfillment.

Sukhasana or Easy pose

Sit with the legs tucked inside the opposite thighs. Keep the spine vertically straight. The hands should be placed on the knees and breathe in and out gently.

Role in Improving Health and Wellness

  1. It helps to reduce anxiety, stress and mental tiredness.
  2. It corrects the body posture and stretches the chest and spine.

Tadasana or Mountain Pose

Stand with your heels and toes joined and raise the arms up, the knees can also be left open according to the width of your shoulders. Palm should be upward and eyes should be looking straight. Take a breath in. Then raise the heels and lay your weight on the toes. Pull the body up and after some time take the body down while breathing out. Repeat it 10 to 15 times.

Role in Improving Health and Wellness

  1. Helpful in strengthening the leg muscles.
  2. Helps in increasing the height of the children.
  3. Helpful in removing leg pain.
  4. It corrects bad posture and improves the alignment of your body.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-Facing Dog Stretch

 Lie down on the floor on your stomach and face downward. Place the palms next to the chest. Exhaling, raise your trunk from the floor. Straighten the arms, move the head inward towards the feet and extend the back, trying to press the heels firmly into the ground keeping the knees straight making an inverted ‘V’ with the body.

Role in Improving Health and Wellness

  1. It calms the brain.
  2. Reduces stiffness in the shoulder region and tones the legs.

DhanurAsana Or Bow Pose

 Lie down on the ground on your belly. Bend the knees backwards. Hold the feet with hands below the ankles. Take a deep breath and raise the chest as high as possible. Now stretch the feet, so that your body takes the shape of a bow. Stay in this position as long as you can. While breathing out, relax the body and come in the initial position. Repeat this Asana 3-4 times.

Role in Improving Health and Wellness

  1. It makes the spine flexible and reduces its stiffness.
  2. Reduces obesity.
  3. It can cure stomach pains.
  4. Strengthens the muscles of the arms, legs and stomach.
  5. It increases the lung power and breathing process.

TrikonAsana or Triangular Pose

Stand in the Tadasana pose. Keep your feet around three feet apart and turn the right foot to 90 degrees, turn the left foot slightly to the right, raising the arms sideways. Bend to your right, bringing the right palm towards the right ankle keeping both legs absolutely straight. Repeat on the other side.

Role in Improving Health and Wellness

  1. Improves flexibility of the spine and relieves back pain and stiffness in the neck area. 
  2. Massages and tones the pelvic region, relieves gastritis, indigestion and acidity.
  3. Helps you to improve your posture too.

Savasana or corpse pose

Lie down on the floor like a corpse – completely relaxed and on your back. Keep your legs apart and hands away from your body with the palms facing upwards. Shut your eyes and concentrate on relaxing each and every muscle in your body.

Role in Improving Health and Wellness

  1. Savasana cures hypertension and mental stress.
  2. It refreshes the mind and body.
  3. It removes the fatigue.

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